
The Central European Institute of Technology (CEIT) gemeinnuetzige GmbH (www.ceit.at) is an extra-faculty research and development institute. CEIT was founded in April 2006 by the municipality of Schwechat which also is the owner and the provider of the basic funding. CEIT processes knowledge from the fields of Information and Planning Technologies and passes it on through technology transfer to broader society. CEIT is the main actor of the “Living Lab Schwechat”, which is a member of the European Network of Living Labs (http://www.cdt.ltu.se/main.php/ENOLL2_Leaflet_Austria_LivingLab_Schwecha...) since 2007. CEIT consists of 2 departments CEIT ALANOVA and CEIT RALTEC:

At CEIT-ALANOVA modern technologies for Urban and Regional Planning in connection with Information Society tools and under the guidance of the principles of sustainability and environmental protection (ePlanning) are being developped.

CEIT RALTEC - Rehabilitation and Assisted Living Technologies - focuses on research and development of novel technologies in the area of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), eHealthcare und eHomecare including dedicated services for older citizens and persons with special needs. The aim of RALTEC’s activities is to support elderly people and their carers to live as independently as possible. The researchers at RALTEC have a broad expertise, covering ICT and assistive technologies and also non-technical areas as sociology and ethics. Some of the projects which have been started since 2006 are described below:
• eSHOE: Development of an intelligent shoe sole equipped with integrated sensors to analyze the gait of old persons.
• eHOME: Development of a wireless sensor system for measuring different physical paramaters in a old person’s home to detect abnormal and dangerous conditions in daily life and to generate automatic alarms in case of dangerous situations.
• development of an intuitive, senior-specifc voice-over-IP videotelephone and performing a user-accaepatnce and usability study
• AAL Living Lab: Implementation of a Living Laboratory for assistive technologies to support old persons.
• Ethical Supervision: Review and support of research projects which are involving vulnerable people.